vendredi 20 juin 2008

Sunny, hot Spain!

Well with all the complaining we did about the rain and cold, we can hardly complain about the sun and heat! Today was our first very hot day. It has been sunny for several days but today the heat set in, 37 celsius so we were told.

Since the city of Astorga, the scenery has been much more varied and interesting. The villages are more pictoresque and there are vegetable gardens and flower gardens everywhere. It gives us better picture of spanish life it seems to me.

Yesterday we walked up a mountain to the "Croix de fer". It is a iron cross that was erected many years ago on top of the mountain (1,400 metres). Pilgrims leave mementos around the pole that holds the cross and on the pole itself, many pebbles with names and dates, pictures, clothing, country flags. Everyone clamours to have their picture taken next to the pole. I found it quite comical! The climb to the cross ( 6 km) was very pretty, not particularly difficult. There were mountain flowers everywhere in yellow, purple and white, tons of them and the scenery around as we climbed was superbe! The climb down also gave us wonderful vistas. It was however a very difficult climb, almost 15 km in a steep path full of crevices and large rocks, hard on the feet and ankles!

The end of our pilgrimage is coming fast. Arlette tells me we only have nine days left before we arrive in Santiago. I don't keep track as much as she does. We are living this trek very differently and that is fine.


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Ma photo
Nous voilà deux femmes à la retraite prête à passer à la prochaine étape de notre vie. Ce pèlerinage nous donne l'opportunité de vivre des changements dans nos vie.